Archive for March, 2017
What to Know About Laser Treatments for Hair Reduction and Skin Rejuvenation

Frequently having to shave excessive hair growth is an inconvenience that can also result in skin irritation. Skin imperfections from aging, sun exposure, or medical conditions can lower self-esteem. Luckily, thanks to the state-of-the-art laser treatments, cosmetic care professionals have the solutions to these problems. The Alternative to Traditional Hair Reduction Popular laser hair reduction areas for women include their bikini lines, legs, underarms, and facial hair, while men often choose to have their back hair reduced. The process involves using skin type-specific (depending on light or dark pigmentation) wavelength pulses to target many hair follicles at once. These wavelength pulses are derived from non-ionic radiation that is purely light-based, and safe for the skin. There should be minimal discomfort, which, if necessary, can be treated by a numbing cream. […]
What Areas Does a Body Lift Cover?

Achieving a well-defined, toned body is the goal of many individuals who are trying to lose weight through diet and exercise. Unfortunately, once people lose large amounts of body weight, the skin that’s left behind lacks the necessary elasticity to tightly conform to the contours of newly developed muscle. Sagging skin and stubborn deposits of fat can be disheartening for those who have put in the effort to lose weight or keep it off. A body lift is a highly customizable surgical option that can target specific areas of the body to give a patient the tight, toned look they desire. When combined with liposuction, the procedure can be an excellent option for those who have plateaued with diet and exercise, and who want to put the finishing touches on […]